


Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints Reported to the FTC

Got unwanted call from 614-407-5554?

User Comments

Phone number 614-407-3465 is not on the existing list of numbers 614-407-XXXX on this website but is plenty close enough to convince me it is one of the numerous numbers used by 614-407-XXXX. "Robert" called my office, sounding like an uneducated bully and pushing me to fall for a business "offer" that any intelligent person would immediately detect as a scam or fraud. "Robert" tried and failed to get me to answer numerous questions and when I questioned him about the particulars of his identity he replied with another question for me. To me, the eighth wonder of the world is that / how these low intelligence scammers seem to believe they are smarter than the rest of the human race.

April 15, 2020 

I did not get a call from either of the numbers listed here or any of the numbers that came up when I researched this number; that's not surprising since they use so many different numbers and while their calls are all about Medical they call about different things all the time. It's nearly impossible to BLOCK them since they use so many numbers. This is a Verifed "ROBO/SCAM/FRAUD" Call with emphasis on the "FRAUD"!! BEWARE!!!

December 20, 2019 

Tele Sales claimed I contacted them about chronic pain. Called me 3 times in a 6 hour period. Also used Phone# 614-407-7350 & 614-407-0384.

July 26, 2018 

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Complaint Statistics

Consumers from Ohio complained about phone number 6144075554 calls or text messages.


Cities: Blue Rock

Was the Call a Recorded Message or Robocall?
Reported to the FTC

1 Yes    1 No    

Subjects of the call reported to the FTC:

  • No Subject Provided

Last complaint date: August 9, 2018.

Phone Number Information

Area Code 614 and Prefix 614-407 assignment information:

Rate Center

Report about phone number (614) 407-5554 owner may include:

Owner's Full Name
Family Members
Current Address
Address History
Current Location
Phone Type and Carrier

Recently Reported Phone Numbers

Alternative Formatting

  • Local: 407-5554
  • Domestic: (614) 407-5554
  • Dialed in the U.S.: 1 (614) 407-5554
  • International: +1 (614) 407-5554

OHIO Location

OHIO location on the map:


Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission about the unwanted sales calls received after the phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry for 31 days as well as the calls that use a recorded message instead of a live person. All information in the complaints provided by consumers and not verified.

Unwanted Call Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Communications Commission about the unwanted calls, robocalls, and telemarketing (including do not call and spoofing). All information in the complaints selected by the consumers and not verified.