


Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints Reported to the FTC

Got unwanted call from 888-450-8580?

User Comments

I am a sole proprietor computer consulting firm which owns this phone number, and NEVER make outgoing calls using it, in fact this is completely impossible as it has termination service only, no origination service is attached to this phone number. For those of you unfamiliar with telecom terminology, that means it can only RECEIVE phone calls, never initiate a phone call. It is SOLEY used for the benefit of my customers to fax me without having to pay long distance charges. No one has EVER received a phone call from this number unless it was caller ID spoofed (which would be someone else PRETENDING to be me by spoofing my phone number, it would NOT be an actual call initiated by myself or my company).

December 07, 2020 

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Complaint Statistics

Consumers from California complained about phone number 8884508580 calls or text messages.


Cities: San Diego

Was the Call a Recorded Message or Robocall?
Reported to the FTC

1 Yes    0 No    

Subjects of the call reported to the FTC:

  • Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends

Last complaint date: May 28, 2020.

Phone Number Information

Area Code 888 and Prefix 888-450 assignment information:

Rate Center

Report about phone number (888) 450-8580 owner may include:

Owner's Full Name
Family Members
Current Address
Address History
Current Location
Phone Type and Carrier

Recently Reported Phone Numbers

888-451-0038 last reported from Newark, Ohio

Alternative Formatting

  • Local: 450-8580
  • Domestic: (888) 450-8580
  • Dialed in the U.S.: 1 (888) 450-8580
  • International: +1 (888) 450-8580

Do Not Call & Robocall Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission about the unwanted sales calls received after the phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry for 31 days as well as the calls that use a recorded message instead of a live person. All information in the complaints provided by consumers and not verified.

Unwanted Call Complaints

Complaints reported to the Federal Communications Commission about the unwanted calls, robocalls, and telemarketing (including do not call and spoofing). All information in the complaints selected by the consumers and not verified.