Complaints about Phone Numbers703-972-####

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Federal Trade Commission Logo


Federal Communication Commission Logo


Don’t respond. It’s robocall

November 18, 2021

This is a scam fraudster who is impersonating a Veteran Owned Small Business using the DUNS 081062840 and CAGE 81UU0. Had a call from a scammer named SINAN AL-JARBA when the actual A Y GOVERNMENT SERVICES LLC General managers name is SENAN TALIB whose company had a size protest at the SBA named SIZ-5966 The other phone numbers the scammer used was +965 5503 7942

September 17, 2021

These morons keep calling every single day and it got to be too much now so we told them the person they are looking for is not known to us nor do they work here and to please take this number off of their call list and the fucking idiot just laughed.

December 10, 2020

Spam fake realtor call followed by text.

November 26, 2019

Absolute spammage. Annoying predatory realtor who wants to buy your property. Added this number to my blocked call list (via Verizon), but for some reason the fuckers still get through to my vmail. That's Verizon's problem.

October 18, 2019

Warranties & protection plans

July 26, 2019

Spam call. No message left.

July 10, 2019

I’m a lifetime member of NRA. They’re simply defending a right that the current political climate feels free to threaten, i’d take their phone call any day. So should you.

May 20, 2019


August 07, 2018

Continue to call even though I am on the do not call registry. Told them I am not interested and not to call. Does no good

December 05, 2017

Prefix 703-972 Information


Other prefix codes with DULLESMTRO rate center: