Complaints about Phone Numbers647-363-####

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84 year old mother Received a letter regarding over 11 mill in unclaimed life insurance benefits of an unknown family member. Wants to be partners, 10% to a charity and split the remaining 90% between Daniel Behringer @ Howard Ho Law

January 25, 2022

Business received a FAX with letterhead: Howard HO Barrister & Solicitors 2345 Yonge St, Toronto ON M$P 2ES Canada. Tel: +1(647)363-5676 FAX stated it was in reference to $12.8 million "Pay-on-Death" bank account and asks a non-exist employee to "consent to be in partnership with" the undersigned "Attorney at Law" in order to claim the "benefit".

December 09, 2021

Our business got a fax from this number with the same thing stated by others above: unclaimed life insurance policy for over 12 million. This was addressed to a specific employee and the deceased name matched the employee's last name. Straight to the bin

December 02, 2021

Fax from Howard HO barrister with 12.8M US unclaimed life insurance policy. more for the trash bin

December 01, 2021

fax recvd stating death benifit of over 12 milion dollars

November 29, 2021

Our business received a fax from a John Paul Evans & Associates LLP in Toronto, Canada. Fax stated it was in regards to a "transfer of death" savings monetary deposit of over $11 million US. It wanted to add our names to the policy so we could profit from it. Went into the shred bin.

November 18, 2021

Steven still up to the same game. Received a fax stating same as above. 11 million to share. Yea, right!!! 3/3/21

March 03, 2021

Company also received fax with same comments as below but had a name of someone who shared same last name claiming they wanted to get money back to relatives. Same 11 million.

January 18, 2021

Our business also received an unsolicited fax from this supposed attorney. Obviously a scam, to the shredder it went.

January 18, 2021

Our business received a fax from Baywood & Associates LLP on Jan. 18, 2020. from a Steven Ludlow. Fax stated that there was an unclaimed life insurance policy. 11 million U.S. and wanted use to add our names to policy so we could profit. Letter was trashed.

January 18, 2021

647-363 Phone Numbers

1 Complaints


July 20, 2022
1 Complaints


Rhode Island
August 4, 2021
1 Complaints


September 16, 2020
4 Complaints


Fort Wayne, Indiana
November 19, 2019

Prefix 647-363 Information

Company -
Rate Center -