Complaints about Phone Numbers281-382-####

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Federal Trade Commission Logo


Federal Communication Commission Logo


Got an email and text from 281-382-7544 offering to be a secret shopper for Whole Foods. It might come as text, email, or USPS letter inviting you to work as a Whole Food Markets Store Evaluator. Your whole foods store evaluation assignment package with payment has been sent via USPS and will be delivered today or tomorrow. If you can complete your assignment within 12 hours of receiving the assignment you will earn yourself an additional $250 bonus which will make you earn $650 in total. You are to survey just 1-2 stores to complete the $1500 Amex Gift Card Purchases (American Express Gift Cards). Carefully read the instructions of the package you will receive and execute your task amicably. Please send an email directly for your survey report confirmation.and wrote to the FTC to warn others.

November 01, 2021