Complaints about Phone Numbers202-848-####

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Federal Trade Commission Logo


Federal Communication Commission Logo


We wanna make sure you have the information you need to stay informed and stay healthy this is your opportunity to learn ask questions and get answers from leading health experts. Join the conversation you simply need to stay on the line. If you'd like to access this telephone town hall in Spanish. Press star zero on your telephone keypad now. This event is compatible with TRS. Anyone may initiate a relay call at any time by dialing 711 a communications assistant can connect you to this conversation by dialing 855-274-9507 that number again is 8552.

December 09, 2021

Received a call from someone mentioned something about a claim that I know nothing about. The phone call was staticky and sounded suspicious!

January 28, 2020

called repeatedly on 7/26/2019. Says LD MTG

July 26, 2019